Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our weekend

We slotted in some time to visit this temple before we headed to meet our friends for lunch. We have planned to visit this temple before but at that time it was under renovation. Since we only have a few hours so we opt to visit this place because it is nearby our place.

We had to pay RMB5 per person to enter. Daddy had paid the entrance fee while waiting for Ethan and mummy to walk down from the car. Ethan threw a bit of tantrum because he did not get to pay the money. We had told him that the money had been paid and cannot be paid again or ask the uncle to return the money and let him pay. He cannot let go of this fact. On and off still talking about paying the money and wanted to go back to the counter. He spoiled our mood.

At last, daddy gave up and brought him back to the counter but only to talk the uncle. Daddy let Ethan burned the joss stick and hoped that he will forget about the money thing but we really underestimated his memory.

After a while, his same behavior came back and still insisted wanting to pay the money. We quickly walked out of the temple. Yup, he cried and refused to walk out unless he pays the money. Asked daddy to hold and brought him out. He wailed while we waited for our driver to come pick us and there was one lady came to persuade us to calculate our fate. We rejected her and she refused to walk away, kept on like the bee buzzing around us asking us to give her business. Mummy could not stand Ethan's crying and also the lady then mummy face turned dark and shouted at Ethan to stop crying. Guessed this really scared the lady and she gave up and walked away. We quickly went into the car and of course the kid still crying in the car.

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