Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Achieved the target

Yippee! Mummy had borrowed 50 books from the library. Actually the target had been set to achieved it before CNY but the problem was not enough days even though mummy rushed to the library everyday to borrow the books. Well, later is better than nothing. An applause to mummy who still persist in keeping on the promise to borrow 1 English and 1 Chinese book everyday for Ethan. But the most happiest moment for mummy was that Ethan can sit still, completely mesmerized and participated while mummy read the books to him. Sometimes mummy also let him read by himself.

What is the next target? Definitely is 100 books from library. Mummy had a thought to create a new blog regarding those books that had been read to Ethan. Hope that can introduce the kid books to those people who love reading to their kids.

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