Saturday, February 28, 2009

Crazy on the ipad game

Daddy brought along the HP ipad with him as he needed to show our driver the way to the "Xinzhuang Park". Normally, Ethan will request to play with it. Few times, daddy just let him scratches something in the notepad but today besides the notepad, daddy have opened one game for him. Daddy taught him that he needs to double touch the screen using the pen in order to delete the same color ball arranged vertically or horizontally. He immediately loved this game.

He requested to play when we were in the car and only let go when we left the car. He can score the highest mark in this game.

He even wanted to play after his nap, mummy had secretly told daddy not to let him play so often as it is harmful to the eyes if play long period of time. Asked daddy to hide the ipad so that tomorrow no more game.

Rainy in Xinzhuang Park(莘庄公园)

Mummy had been waiting to visit this park for a long time now. All mummy waited is the "梅花" to be blossomed where it only happened once a year i.e. in Feb month. Since Japan is famous for its "樱花" surely China is famous for the "梅花". There has been a whole week of rain here and mummy thought that there was no hope to view it this year. Today woke up saw the floor was dried, immediately the idea popped up wanting to see" 梅花". We quickly ate our breakfast and changed our dress and headed to our destination.

We can only start our journey at 9.00am and according to our driver it was small rain in the Puxi. Well, our heart sank half way. Mummy told daddy if the rain is too heavy then we just give up the trip. Well, when we arrived that time, the rain is a bit and still manageable without holding umbrella. We were quite disappointed with the flowers because the flowers are not so full in the tree. All due to the rain making most of the flowers fell down on the floor. What a waste, guessed if not because of rain, the park will be full of "梅花".

Ethan was running all around the park, very difficult to chase him and we always stand at one point then Ethan can walk back to find us. Of course, our eye still keep on chasing on him. We have difficulty to take Ethan's photo with the flowers, he was always moving his body and we don't have to good camera to capture his fast movement.

Ethan did fall down when he tried to catch his father's leg but his father just move away without rescuing him. Luckily the floor was soft and muddy. His glove, winter coat all became dirty after his fall. Inside the park there was a small pond for the visitor to row the boat. Ethan was attracted by the carton design of the boats.

The rain was getting bigger and we opt to end our journey in the park as no point to continue since we knew the rain will not stop.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Creativity painting

After having interviewed with the teacher regarding the Western education. Today, mummy wanted to test the validity. No school for Ethan so mummy let Ethan have the fun with painting.

This round, mummy provided Ethan with the blank paper and asked Ethan to draw. Mummy sat beside and observed Ethan draw. Ethan started to draw on the paper then mummy asked what is that, he said is a road, well the road was circle then asked the road go to where? He said go to "Lotus supermarket". Mummy asked where is the supermarket, he said is here. Then mummy asked where is the parking place. Then he said is here.
On the second paper, he said he has drawn carrot. Well, if not asked him what was that, definitely cannot think of carrot.

The third paper he said he drawn square, star, circle and etc.

The most creative part was that after he finished all the painting, he wanted to stick his paintings on the window. What he had done? He used the paint color to color four corners of the paper and he turned the page and stick them on the window. Mummy didn't know how he got the idea. Well, the paper can stick on the window at first because the corners were still wet but after the paint dried up, the paper will automatically fall down. Then he tried to paint again the corner. Then try to stick again but cannot last. He started to get angry with it then mummy offered the tape for him. If not surely ended up crying.

Guessed after interview with the teacher yesterday did open mummy's eye to the Western education. The article did write about why the Western people can be creator because they have the creativity not like Eastern people only follower and copier. The difference is because of the education methods.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not the best solution anymore

Recently, he will move the chair or what whenever he want to reach the things we placed in higher place. We normally will place those things that we don't want him to get it at high place but the methods cannot work.... recently....

He's not high enough to switch the light, so he uses the umbrella to help him achieve his goal.

His crying face

We want to capture his crying and throwing tantrum look and let him see how naughty he is..

2nd Time Parent and Teacher Interview

We have missed out the actual date of Parent and Teacher Interview when we were in Malaysia. Mummy thought that they will not replace such an interview after we're back from Malaysia. Last week, the teacher had been asking mummy which day would be convenient for us so that they can discuss about Ethan's portfolio. We chose today because daddy is always busy with the morning conference call or meeting.

We arrived the school exactly 7.45am before the school starts. We started with Ethan's having bad behavior, lately Ethan had been throwing a few tantrums in the class when he cannot get what he wants. Ethan is really stubborn like a cow, whenever he cannot get the things he will immediately cry and show strange behavior. He needs to learn sharing and waiting. Teacher had noticed that Ethan started to socialize with his classmates after he is back from Malaysia. Last time he had no problem to play as he always play alone. This time, after he starts socializing, he will not get the things he want especially when other kids are playing the same things. The teacher tried to tell him to wait... but this stubborn kid doesn't want to let go and insists on holding and wanting to steal the things from his classmate. When teacher told him to say sorry. The answer is always"No, No". We knew his character is like that, he would only say sorry after he has cooled down. When he was in the middle of tantrum, the answer we get is always "No!No! No!". We had asked the teacher to coach him on this area of socializing as we said he was the only kid in our house. So when he is at home, he can get whatever toy he wants to play any time, nobody will grab from him.

We had been asking the teacher when they will start to teach Ethan to learn to read and write. The teacher said that it is too early for them. This year they will not do so. The writing and reading only starts slowly when they are in K3. Mummy had told the teacher that we have concerned about Ethan in term of whether he can pick up the pace of the Malaysian education or not when we return to Malaysia. We said in Malaysia, Ethan have been considered age 4 kids not like now as his class is considered age 2 to age 3 class. Teachers comments were that mummy needs to teach Ethan at home so that the gap will be lesser when we are back. The teacher had commented that in the reading and numbering areas, it should be no problem for Ethan as they have observed that Ethan likes to count. The teacher was amazed when Ethan managed to read the word in the book while teacher was holding it. At first teacher was surprised where was the word that Ethan said which is exactly same like the book. Then Ethan pointed to the teacher that he read from the book. Teacher came to recall back that mummy had told her before that Ethan can read during the 1st parent and teacher interview. That time, they didn't witness with their own eyes.

Mummy had told the teacher that regarding writing skills. Ethan doesn't have much interest in this area. Mummy told the teacher maybe because the classmates didn't do the same things so he has no intention to learn it either. Well, the teacher said right now they didn't let the kids to practice the writing and only let them freestyle drawing. So far the school didn't let Ethan do the coloring like what we get in Malaysian kindergarten. According to the teacher, the Western educator didn't recommend coloring, they want the kids to be creative. So they will only provide the kids blank papers and let the kids to draw or paint whatever they like. They want kids to have creative thinking. They don't want to have boundaries. The teacher said actually there is meaning on the painting the kids' paint, only that we adult don't know it. The Western thinking is that if one let the kid color certain objects in the beginning it will kill the creativity of the kids. So next time when provided the blank papers to the kids, the kids don't know how to draw as they expect to have the object for them to follow instead. Guessed this is the difference between the Western and Eastern culture. Daddy said to let Ethan plays first and why worried about it.

We actually want to discuss more but ran out of time. So it was ok as the main concerns we had already been talked about.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ethan's "HAT"..

This few days, he asked his mummy to see him after he wears this..

He said, " See me wearing the hat"..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some art work from school

Today mummy brought back some of Ethan's art work from school. Some of the art mummy knows what it is but some really don't know. He just simply scratched on the paper. Guessed this is what the school wants the kids to be creative????Freestyle drawing..

No library for today

Today the library was closed, don't know what's the reason? Maybe librarian is sick or what?
Ended up no books for today from library and mummy had tons of books at home waiting for Ethan. So at night, mummy managed to read 7 books to him before sleeping. 3 books in Chinese and 4 books in English.

He requested more but mummy said it was time for bed, save the rest for tomorrow. He bought it then closed shop and gone to sleep......

Today activities

After Ethan woke up from his nap, he walked towards the study room to find his mother. Emm, since mummy was busying wrapping his books then just had a try whether he wanted to do coloring or not? The answer was "Yes". Quickly opened the cabinet and checked the coloring page printed previously.

After he finished, he requested more. Asking whether he wanted to practice hand writing? Well, this round the answer was "No". He said he wanted number. Aiyo. Where can I get the maths worksheet for him as he finished all those printed. What to do. Hand made by mummy. Managed to quickly drawn two worksheets for him to count. Really terrible drawing. After he finished it, mummy had to draw another one, this round was the matching the picture with the words.
Ended up, he had done quite a lot of activities within just one hour before dinner. Mummy need to be well prepared next time.