Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Strawberry! strawberry! He just loves it.

Yesterday night we went shopping and brought one box of strawberry for Ethan. We have to let Ethan have it because we want to reduce his constipation problem. This morning when he woke up he straight went to the fridge and took the strawberry out for mummy. He wanted it badly.

Mummy mixed the strawberry inside his breakfast i.e. cereal. Sometimes mummy had hard time trying to feed Ethan the cereal maybe because it is tasteless. So in order to lure him to eat normally mummy had to give him something to keep him busy or add something inside the cereal like banana or cheerios. This time mummy added the strawberry inside. Well it was very easy for mummy this time and Ethan ate it very fast. Next time should color his cereal breakfast with other fruits and make it more interesting. Think hard.

After finishing his breakfast he went to the fridge again and wanted to have another strawberry. Well, mummy asked him to choose and he was really smart as he chose the biggest one.

Ethan was getting better compared to yesterday. At least he didn't sneeze this morning and also not coughing.

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