Monday, September 17, 2007

Airport and other things

Today, we brought Ethan to the airport because daddy has a business trip to Taiwan. Mummy hoped that he can see the airplane (this is as part of his exploration). Unfortunately in the airport there were no window to see the airplane. Unless one walks outside the airport and need to walk for quite a distance. Mummy thinks that it does not mind, we will wait until he is old enough to take the flight himself. The airport was also extremely crowded so Mummy didn't take any photo in the airport.

After coming back from airport mummy let Ethan play the chasing bubble for a while. Have taken some photo of him catching the bubble.

Mummy had been teaching the Chinese language for quite some time now. Finally today can see some of the results. Ethan knows how to recognize some of the Chinese words. So from now onward mummy will teach him the Chinese words everyday as currently not so aggressively teaching him even for the maths. Sometimes mummy is lazy. hihi

Recently he likes to play the jigsaw puzzle mummy had bought for him. Even though he likes to throw the puzzle here and there. It is a good start now that he recognizes which puzzle belongs to which as he was playing two puzzles at the same time. Right now, he knows for some of the puzzles where to put. So I guess one of these days he will complete the both jigsaw puzzle.

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