Sunday, September 30, 2007

Daddy birthday and Hotel stay

This morning before we gone for the hotel stay, we went to MPH to buy some books. It is mainly because today is the last day of the sales. We bought a lot of books. Ethan met one small sister in the bookstore. Compared with the little sister seem like Ethan is smaller. However, daddy's conversation with the little's sister's mother found that she is in fact 1 month younger than Ethan.

In the afternoon we went to hotel stay but it was raining. Too bad and bad luck. We went to the hotel's playroom for kiddy because it rained quite heavy outside. Ethan was not allow to play the activities because it was only meant for kid above 4 years of age. However, the people there allow us to use the playroom. There was also a Caucasian guy who brought his son along. The kid was quite big size compared to Ethan.

We could only bring Ethan to the beach after the rain stopped. The rain did stop later in the evening so we were in luck - at least. Ethan was still very afraid of the beach. Don't know why, mummy thought that he would be like other kid. Kids love the sand. However, this is not the case for Ethan. He did not dare to move a step. We have to distract his attention from the sand by asking him to look at a dog running on the beach. He had only forgotten that he was walking on the beach only when the dog appear in front of his eye. After the dog had gone away and he realized that he is standing on the sand - he chicken out once again.

After a while, we had to bring him back and try other things like the swimming pool. Initially, he was afraid too. "Oh, my God!", Mummy acclaimed and nearly fainted. When Daddy held him and put him into the pool, his quickly bent his two legs. Later on daddy tried for a while by going into the water himself then Ethan folows and only dare to play the water. However, Ethan only stood inside the pool and splashed the water. After a while later, Daddy took him to sit down in the pool. Finishing the shallow kid's pool, we later brought him into the big pool. This time he liked it but we didn't buy the float to let him float on the water. We only let him play for a while because it was just after the rain. Mummy was afraid that Ethan will be cold as when daddy brought him up from kiddy pool he shivered . Ethan does have some improvement. At least he dare to go in the pool but the beach side still need to "gambate".

We celebrated daddy birthday in the hotel. The hotel provided a complimentary birthday cake because of Daddy's birthday today.

At night time we brought him to the night market since he didn't want to sleep. We walked for a while then we gone back to the hotel since we have nothing to buy. Back in the hotel, we tried to make Ethan sleep. We don't know whether he tends to recognize his own bed or not. He had difficulty to sleep at first, but later he fell asleep. It is maybe because he was just too tired as he slept for only a while in the morning session.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Shopping day

This morning we brought Ethan to Tesco in order to buy the rice. Seem like it is time for Ethan to eat rice instead of just eating the porridge. First mummy wanted to buy additional jigsaw puzzles for Ethan partly as an encouragement and also to let Ethan practice more. However, the price was not right and after some deep thoughts, mummy concluded that since Ethan already knew how to play the puzzle - why not buy the more difficult one and let him play. So, mummy is now still searching for these type of more difficult puzzles. Mummy brought Ethan to the playground inside Tesco to play while waiting for daddy to pay for the items at the cashier. Ethan had fun in the playground but he was still very carefully during play and slow down his movement. He was not like the other kids, they were very expect in running around, climbing up and down the slides. Maybe this is because we seldom brought him to the playground. Among the plaything at the playground he likes the slide the most.

At night we brought Ethan to Queensbay Mall in the hope of buying the "unagi" for Ethan. He loves this food but the price is not cheap. Ethan ran to the playground in the Jusco to find his precious "Shinkasen". Seems like he still remembered the moment his had fun in this train. Mummy was so impressed that he still remembered this as we just brought him there once quite some time ago. We finally bought Ethan the "Mega block" at Toy'r'us.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Penang International Lantern Festival 2007

Today daddy took half day leave in order to bring Ethan to see the lantern exhibition. It was part of the exploration for Ethan. We arrived there at about 7.30pm. The theme of this lantern festival is "Hello Kitty in the safari" so we can hear a lot of hello kitty songs in Japanese version. The lanterns consist of Hello Kitty and friends, dinosaur, animals, bugs , panda and etc. It was very beautiful at night as all the lanterns are lit up. But the condition is not good for taking photos due to insufficient light. We managed to take some of photos shared below.

At the entrance

We went back at about 8.45pm. Ethan immediately slept the moment we got into the car. He was too tired as he woke up at 12 something in noon. We tried to let him sleep in the evening but he could not sleep.

More photos, in front of the pandas

Besides the lantern festival, mummy needed to update some of the daily matters of Ethan. Ethan managed to complete the 4 jigsaw puzzles without anything help from other people. Currently Ethan likes to stack the blocks, he will create some weird shapes. Got a photo to share.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Little Helper and discipline

Ethan likes to help mummy do things, like that day mummy was folding his handkerchief when he wanted to help mummy. He took the handkerchief and open the cabinet, put it like he took when he want the drink milk. Like today, mummy collected the plates from the dining table to wash in the sink. Ethan took the bowl from the table and put into the sink. He also tried to take the cup from the table but unfortunately mummy haven't finish drinking the yogurt drink from the cup, so all the drink spilled on the floor. He also got some personality like when he finished drinking the water from the cup he will put back the cup to the original place and doesn't want people to help him.

Recently mummy tried to discipline him as he likes to throw things. When Ethan was small, mummy didn't restrict him to throw the things as mummy wants him to learn the "cause and effect". However, seems like now he will throw everything. Like that day mummy brought him to meet with "kor kor" , he threw the toy gun. That's why the "kor kor" doesn't want to let him play. As such, mummy will tell him to not to throw things and restrict him. Will ask him to collect all the things he throws. These few days mummy put up an angry face when he throws things. Looks like he knows that he has done something wrong, after which he will not throw and will pick up the things. Sometimes he came to hug mummy or bend down his head like people who has done something wrong.

Ethan requested mummy to open another two jigsaw puzzle for him. This time he picked up quite fast for the new puzzle, maybe it is because his already grasps the concept of how to play the puzzles.

Mooncake Festival

Yesterday, daddy and mummy tried to let the Ethan experience carrying a lantern during the mooncake festival. Daddy lit up one paper lantern and let Ethan hold. Very dangerous when Ethan took over the lantern, he just simply swing the lantern. He even threw it on the floor. Luckily the lantern didn't caught fire. In the end, mummy and daddy just hold Ethan's arm to take the lantern. Ethan saw few kids carrying the lantern but his interest was still more towards spotting lizards on the wall and roof. We have taken him for a ride as he slept untill 7 something in evening so he will not slept so early.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

First time to the beach

Today, mummy and daddy brought Ethan for the first time to the beach to play on the sand and the wave. We went to the Batu Feringgi area. We are shocked when we found out that Ethan was afraid to walk on the sand. When daddy held his arm to place him on the sand, he whined and lifted both his legs to avoid the sand. He cried when we brought him near to the sea to let the waves hit his feet. Seems like Ethan was very afraid of doing this new thing. I guess we would have to work on overcoming his fear then only we would be able to bring him for hotel stay.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Today daddy went back from Taiwan. Ethan got a lots of present. Mostly are the items that mummy wanted daddy to buy in Taiwan. The present are some toys that train the eye-hand coordination, train the creativity and imagination of a child brain. Besides this Ethan also got some clothes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mummy saw Ethan play the puzzle

Today mummy got the chance of watching Ethan played the puzzle. Mummy even captured the video of Ethan playing the puzzle. In the video, mummy helped him a bit because mummy cannot stand to wait for him to finish all the puzzle by himself. Restless mummy.

Mummy kept on teaching him the Chinese words in morning and afternoon session. Today, mummy taught Ethan some maths. Ethan seems to want to learn but mummy stopped before he became bored.

In the evening, mummy let Ethan eat the yogurt by himself. Still very messy. Below shows some photos of Ethan eating his yogurt.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jigsaw puzzle

This afternoon mummy saw Ethan successfully put about 5 out of 12 pieces of jigsaw puzzle by himself without mummy and grandma help. Mummy was so impressed because mummy thought that he might need a few weeks before mastering it. But seems that he picks up these thing quite fast.

At night Grandma told mummy that Ethan knows how to put all the puzzle in by himself. Mummy asked grandma whether is she sure or not? Is it that grandma helped? Grandma replied that she did not help, she only gave the tip that put the beside puzzle first before put the middle one. Unfortunately mummy didn't see Ethan put all the jigsaw puzzle by her own eye. Never mind, still have chance because Ethan likes to play these two puzzles recently. Hope that mummy can take the video of Ethan playing the puzzle and completing them himself without anyone's help or hint.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Airport and other things

Today, we brought Ethan to the airport because daddy has a business trip to Taiwan. Mummy hoped that he can see the airplane (this is as part of his exploration). Unfortunately in the airport there were no window to see the airplane. Unless one walks outside the airport and need to walk for quite a distance. Mummy thinks that it does not mind, we will wait until he is old enough to take the flight himself. The airport was also extremely crowded so Mummy didn't take any photo in the airport.

After coming back from airport mummy let Ethan play the chasing bubble for a while. Have taken some photo of him catching the bubble.

Mummy had been teaching the Chinese language for quite some time now. Finally today can see some of the results. Ethan knows how to recognize some of the Chinese words. So from now onward mummy will teach him the Chinese words everyday as currently not so aggressively teaching him even for the maths. Sometimes mummy is lazy. hihi

Recently he likes to play the jigsaw puzzle mummy had bought for him. Even though he likes to throw the puzzle here and there. It is a good start now that he recognizes which puzzle belongs to which as he was playing two puzzles at the same time. Right now, he knows for some of the puzzles where to put. So I guess one of these days he will complete the both jigsaw puzzle.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Today mummy try to let Ethan do some coloring. Seems like he still doesn't know how to color. He was scribbling around and even on the table using the crayon. Mummy held his hand in order to make him colored the apple and leave but he liked to do it by himself.

Look how serious I am in my work of art...

A masterpiece is completed. Satisfying smile on the face.

Photo of the coloring , mostly color was applied with the help of mummy.

Mummy had made one story book about Ethan in the garden for him. He loved it. When Mummy read "Ethan is in the garden" and then asked him who is Ethan. He will show that it is him by pressing him hand to his chest. Sometimes he will point to the photo of him. That day when we went to the Giant supermarket to buy some lantern. Today mummy let him hold the lantern. He like to hold the lantern and swing here and there. We really cannot light on the candle inside the lantern . Mummy 100% guarantees that the lantern will be fire in no time.