Monday, August 6, 2007

Ready for potty training?

This morning I brought Ethan from the playroom to our room to have a bath. When he gone inside the room, he went straight into the bathroom to take his potty. Then he sat on the potty even though he didn't take off his pant and diaper. But I take him to the bath first then only put him in potty and try whether he want to pass his bowel movement. Well, he actually did pass his bowel movement. From the action seems like his is trying to tell mummy that he wanted to pass the bowel movement. Is this the sign for him to be ready for the potty training?

Today he requested to brush his teeth when in the bathtub. He didn't actually know how to brush, but he just bit the brush and sometimes sucked the water from the toothbrush.

From the photo below you can see that he is very slim.

These few day he always cry for if we do not fulfill his needs. Seems like he is entering the "Terrible Twos" stage. Mummy doesn't know when he will be back to his normal self once again.

Today, he could finally take off his pants by himself. Mummy is happy!!!!! :-)

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