Sunday, August 26, 2007

Queensbay Mall again

Today we brought Ethan to the Mall again as Mummy wanted to buy some clothes for Ethan. Yesterday night it was too late so mummy only glanced the clothes when we were on the escalator. Mummy already hoped to buy some today. Closer observation, Mummy found that it isn't what she wanted. Finally ended up we didn't get any clothes for Ethan. We brought Ethan to the playground in the mall, he loved it so much, especially the "Shinkanzen" ride. He liked to drive the train.

Shinkanzen Ride. I didn't know it would be so cool...

Seems more like a prison than a train!!!

Bye, bye...

Aiyo, lots of buttons and control. Don't know where to start?

Taxi ride.

We went to Toysrus again. This time Daddy brought him to try the table with a "draw&erase" board, he loved it. He like to scribble on the board. It is just like what he did when he is holding a pencil. He loved it so much that he didn't want to leave the toy. We have to lure him to play the ball before he let go of the toy. He have fun playing the ball with daddy. Mummy told daddy that it is time we install the basketball net in his playroom.

Look! 2 balls at once ...

After having fun in the Toysrus, we brought Ethan to the Borders Books Store. We hoped that we can buy some books for him. But we didn't manage to find any. When we gone out of the shop, Ethan waved his hand with "Bye Bye " gesture to the bookstore guard and the guard waved back to him. He is really friendly to everyone. Even did that to the Toysrus cashier.

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