Thursday, August 30, 2007

Potty Training

Today mummy wanted to start potty training for Ethan. This is because Ethan's asshole got a bit reddish. Even putting the medicine also cannot fully recover. So mummy thought that maybe it is the diaper problem, so have to train him to pee instead of wearing the diaper.

Morning session
9.00am - Gave Ethan the bowel movement. He also pee that time

9.10am - Gave Ethan to drink 4oz of water

9.30am - 1 st attempt successful in getting him to pee

10.00am - not successful as he pee on the floor (mummy's mistake as she though he will pee one hour later)

10.25am - He saw mummy in the toilet. He cleared his stuff and he straight go and take the potty. It was then mummy asked whether he wants to pee . He knocked his head.

10.55am - Mummy let him pee again.

After that wore the diaper because he wanted to sleep.

Comment : Morning session is a good head start for mummy and Ethan.

Afternoon session
4.50pm - woke up from the sleep and mummy took off his diaper and let him pee. Successful

5.15pm - successful again

5.35pm - Ethan pee on the floor while he was playing. Too fast between the time is mainly due to the drinking of 6oz milk + 4oz water

6.05pm - successful again

6.30pm - failure due to Ethan just go inside the house after play a while is garden

Onward pee another two time maybe is due to daddy shouted him when he pee at 6.30pm then he stop and actually he still want but scare by daddy. So he pee in the room while waiting mummy to bath him

Mummy is very proud of Ethan as mummy knows some of the kid does not really want to have potty training when their parent ask them to. Mummy has no problem with Ethan even when mummy trained him to sit on the potty to pass his bowel movement. Mummy only trained him when he was 9 month old which according to one of the aunties it is too late. After hearing the aunty's comment, mummy quickly go and buy the potty to train him.

Mummy has no problem with Ethan even when mummy trained him to sit on the potty to pass his bowel movement, the 1st attempt mummy already successful.

Mummy also had been asked why Ethan is still wearing diaper (Ethan at that time was only 12 month old)when visited by one of the aunty. Then mummy saw that her granddaughter is still wearing the diaper. Mummy just wondered why she asked me this question as her granddaughter is older than Ethan 13 month lo. It mean that that little girl already 2 year +. Does not make sense.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Queensbay Mall again

Today we brought Ethan to the Mall again as Mummy wanted to buy some clothes for Ethan. Yesterday night it was too late so mummy only glanced the clothes when we were on the escalator. Mummy already hoped to buy some today. Closer observation, Mummy found that it isn't what she wanted. Finally ended up we didn't get any clothes for Ethan. We brought Ethan to the playground in the mall, he loved it so much, especially the "Shinkanzen" ride. He liked to drive the train.

Shinkanzen Ride. I didn't know it would be so cool...

Seems more like a prison than a train!!!

Bye, bye...

Aiyo, lots of buttons and control. Don't know where to start?

Taxi ride.

We went to Toysrus again. This time Daddy brought him to try the table with a "draw&erase" board, he loved it. He like to scribble on the board. It is just like what he did when he is holding a pencil. He loved it so much that he didn't want to leave the toy. We have to lure him to play the ball before he let go of the toy. He have fun playing the ball with daddy. Mummy told daddy that it is time we install the basketball net in his playroom.

Look! 2 balls at once ...

After having fun in the Toysrus, we brought Ethan to the Borders Books Store. We hoped that we can buy some books for him. But we didn't manage to find any. When we gone out of the shop, Ethan waved his hand with "Bye Bye " gesture to the bookstore guard and the guard waved back to him. He is really friendly to everyone. Even did that to the Toysrus cashier.

Aquarium and the Toysrus

Since Mummy only managed to write this blog in the middle of the night passed 12.00am, the account was based on Aug 25th events.

Today we brought Ethan to the Aquarium in Batu Maung for him to see the fish, turtle, coral and other ocean stuff. It is part of exploring for him. When he saw the big fish he would point to it and said "ah" . He actually did not show much interest. Mummy doesn't know whether he is already tired and want to sleep or....

This afternoon he slept until 6.15pm so we guess he will not sleep so early. Therefore we decided to bring him to Queensbay Mall to walk. Mummy and daddy also had dinner there. When we arrived at the mall , there is the "Fun Fair" outside the mall. At first we would like to bring Ethan there but the time did not allow.

We ate Japanese food - Sushi Kin in the Mall, Ethan was very active and even played with the waiters there. Few waiters came and have some fun with him, he seemed to enjoy it. Mummy fed Ethan some "cawanmushi" but he loved the Unagi fish more. Maybe it is because of the the sweet taste of the fish. We have to quickly have our dinner because Ethan was restless there.

Let me see, what do I want to have - Unagi?

We went to Toysrus after dinner. Mummy wanted to find the Mega blocks but seemed like it cannot be found in this shop and would need to go to Gurney Plaza. First we thought that we could buy it in US which is cheaper. However daddy does not have business trip recently and would need to wait untill Nov (probably). So we decided to buy it in Malaysia since we also have MYR100 voucher . Ethan had fun playing the basketball with daddy.

Look how I could jump so high to net the ball...

We have noticed that there was one little girl which her parent want to take her out from the toy car in the shop. She cried like hell till her parent had no choice but have to hold her quickly and walked out the shop. We are afraid the Ethan will be like that as he have so much fun in playing the ball. So Mummy asked daddy to quickly hold Ethan and take him out the shop since we cannot find the toy we want. Ethan cried a bit but only for short while. Luckily not as bad as that little girl. So terrible when the kid are in toy shop - the attraction of toys really get them to stick like magnet.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lock him out in the playroom

Today Ethan locked himself for the first time in the playroom. When he locked himself he cried for help as I guess he knew that he had done the wrong thing. Mummy quickly took the key to rescue him. When mummy was in the room, mummy asked him to demonstrate how he locked himself. He was very fast in locking the door. I guess now he is already tall enough to lock the door. Mummy told daddy that one of these days he will open the door and escape from the room. Few weeks ago when grandma was with Ethan we already realized that he tried to play with the door knob. Mummy asked daddy to go and duplicate few house keys in anticipation that he will lock himself one fine day.

Today mummy gave Ethan to eat the Kiwi fruits. This is Ethan first time tasting the fruit. He loved it. He ate very fast till mummy was worried that he will choke.

Besides this mummy also made some color books for him to read. He likes it and asked mummy to read the words inside for him. This had motivated mummy to make more books for him, especially the Chinese book.

Maybe Ethan know lot of words because now he can accept other books beside the "Peter and Jane". I used back his favorite story book " "Witzy and friends" when he was small to read to him once again. This time Mummy had asked him to point to some of the words in the books. He can stay still to listen till mummy finished all the story books.

Today mummy wanted to let him go the garden play for being a good boy in the afternoon. Unfortunately it rained after playing for a while . Mummy had no choice but have to let him play inside the car porch although he still likes to walk to garden. Need to bring him inside the house.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Gurney Plaza

Today Daddy brought Mummy and Ethan to Gurney Plaza. It was because daddy wanted to buy a book. We have glanced through the Toys's'rus shop and hope that we can buy the Lego blocks for Ethan to play. Wa, really expensive the Lego blocks, almost over MYR100. Mummy saw one block with wagon and wanted to buy but the price was expensive. Mummy remembered having seen this in the website of Toysrus in US before. At nite time mummy went and checked the US price and found that it is cheaper but the most cheapest is from "Target". It only costs USD19.99 which convert to MYR is around MYR80 including tax. In Malaysia the price is MYR159.90. Really a huge difference in price.

Ethan wondering around Toys'r'us and watching videos of Barney. He also was fascinated with the kids that played with the basketball net. Daddy took Ethan by the arms and swing him up to the basketball net and let him throw the ball inside. He liked it very much.

Daddy managed to buy his books but not for mummy and Ethan .

Taken some photo for Ethan while waiting daddy went to pay for the parking ticket.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back Home

After staying for few days in the Grandpa's house finally Ethan and Mummy went home. These few days in Grandpa's house, Ethan exercised a lot by walking around the house. This is because Grandpa's house is bigger then daddy's house. Due to the fact of his none stop walking, Ethan ate a lot in Grandpa's house. Everyday he finishes all the porridge grandma prepared and he also ate other stuff like biscuit, cereal etc.

The milk powder for Ethan had increased in price but recently due to "Merdeka Day", the milk company has a discount of Myr3 per tin.

It is really difficult to bring Ethan to the supermarket because he likes to walk around without holding people hand. On top of this, he likes to take the stuff displayed on the shelf. We are afraid that he would break down some stuff.

Mummy bought him the sand playset again. He takes the thing to help grandma water the plant. These few day in grandpa's house he practised to wear and take off the sandal by himself.

Besides that he also picked up 50 words while playing the word game with mummy and grandma. Ethan actually knows more than these words but he doesn't want to play the game. He preferred to play it outside the garden so that he can see the neighbour's dog.

2 shot pose with Mummy

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Today Ethan is sick

Today we took Ethan to go see the doctor because he is sick. Ethan seldom got sick, every time he fell sick is because he caught the virus from either mummy or daddy. Poor little things. After doctor checked him, we found that it is only mild reddish in the throat and a bit of fever. He is still quite active eventhough he is sick. Mummy remembered the first time that he fell sick was when he was after 6 months old. That time was the difficult time for Mummy and him because he don't like to eat medicine. Even up til today he still refuses to take medicine. Mummy's tactic is to put the medicine in his milk and let him drink. He love to drink milk so much that he doesn't mind even inside it got medicine.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Recent Ethan Behaviour

Just now mummy changed the bedsheets with grandma. After the bedsheets are changed Ethan helped to move the pillow and comforter from the chair to mummy and asked mummy to put on the bed. He seems to be very busybody.

Nowadays when he cries, we have to give him his "Peter and Jane" book. He will stop crying immediately. He treats these book like his precious.

Ethan exceptionally likes to be on the steering wheel driving daddy's car. Everytime when Daddy parks his car in the home car porch, Ethan will rush from the back seat to the front driver seat. Daddy has no choice but to let him put his hand on the steering wheels, play with the wiper and car lights.

Ethan at the driver seat pointing at a lizard

Ethan also likes to see the lizards on the wall out in the car porch and points to them. He will raise this voice, letting out a "Ahh!" sound and begin to be extremely excited. He also does that with butterflies and birds. Seems like he has a keen eyesight and able to spot these things.