Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our sunday

Today we went to Eastin Hotel to attend one of seminar organized by one of the branded milk Co. This is the first time we attended this kind of function. Since the event started at 2.30pm so it means that Ethan cannot take his nap time but we asked him to take a short nap like about one hour but he didn't. Both parents fell asleep while accompanying him. He was the alarm clock for us as he woke us up saying that it was 2 o'clock.

We arrived at the Hotel at about 2.15pm and we took the escalator to Level 3. A lot of parents had already arrived and we registered ourselves. The staff gave us a piece of form to fill up in order to get the goodies bag from the milk co. We went to the children corner to let Ethan have some fun. We had been offered by the staff to take care of our kid when we go for the presentation in the other room. At first Ethan refused to let go so we just informed the staff and we would think about it before letting them know. We let Ethan colored the "Doraemon" and asked whether he wants to stay here with the other kids or not. Yes was the answer then daddy went to register him. When the presentation started we informed Ethan that we will go to the other room and we will pick him up at 4.30pm. He said bye bye to us.

Half way through the presentation, daddy went to take a look at Ethan whether he was ok or not. Daddy found him eating the muffin and playing with the toys. The staff walk towards daddy and asked daddy whether is this kid his son. Yes and the staff informed daddy that Ethan was a very independent boy. He even asked the staff to bring him to the toilet. Daddy saw that most of the kids were accompanied by their parents or grandparents. Seems like we are the one who left Ethan alone in the children corner. After the talk, we went to pick Ethan up and he was happily playing in the room. We had some refreshment before we left the hotel.

Ethan slept early at night.....

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