Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Now only daddy knows

Ethan loves to listen to the story book. He can be up to the case that he will leave his toy even though he is in the middle of playing it. Mother did a few tests before. When mother picked up a book and read aloud, Ethan will stop his mother and say that he is playing with his toys. Then mother will reply him that mother is reading to herself and he can continue to play and mother can continue to read. Then what he does, he will just leave his toy and climb up to the bed and sit beside mother. If mother already read a few pages, he will request to start again from the cover.

Daddy did not know it until today when he witnessed by his own eyes. Daddy picked up one of the story book beside the bed and started to read. Then Ethan immediately stood up and ran over beside his daddy and listen to the story. Then daddy purposely stop in the half way so Ethan went back to play with his toy. When daddy picks the book again to continue the story book he just ran over and continue to listen to the story.

Daddy said wow he really likes to listen to the story book. Mother took this opportunity to ask daddy not to limit the budget of buying books for him since daddy always complain why mother keep on buying books for Ethan.

Yes, successfully bargained for unlimited book budget!!!

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