Thursday, December 31, 2009

Growing Phase in Year 2009

Growing phase in year 2009

Time flies really fast, Ethan already turned into 4 years old last month. Mummy thought it should be recorded down his growing phase before the new year. (At least when he is older that time, he will look back at his growing up milestones). Well, this year he gets to celebrate in Malaysia even though it is still 3 of us.

Summaries of 2009:
- We did not really buy many toys for him. He will get to play with his existing toy. But this year, he gotten the expensive train set from grandpa for his birthday. Other than that, mommy cannot recall any new toy.

- Superbly more books for him. Mummy bought a lot of books especially knowing that we will be leaving shanghai. We have shipped back few big boxes of books. Glad to know that he starts to listen to Chinese story book. Not only that, mummy also introduced him the Malay story book and he did not reject them.
- Besides buying the books, mummy also bought a lot of exercise books for him. Really "kiasu mother" but none of them had been done by Ethan. Mother doesn't want to force him and it is also as a reference book for mother to know the standard of our Malaysian education level. It really freaks out the mother after viewing through the books.

- Mommy bought a lot of clothes for Ethan before we headed back to Malaysia. Some of the T-shirts and pants are too big for him. Mother purposely bought it in big size as mother finds it difficult to get the same design in Malaysia. Ha! Like that, Ethan no need to buy the new year clothes for few years.

Sick and injection
- No injection for this year
- He got HFMD in the beginning of Nov month. He had been admitted to the hospital for one day after he had swollen face due to allergy. Doctor had an injection for him to stop the allergy. Before the new year, Ethan had another cough. It was difficult to cure it.

Motor Skills
- definitely had an improvement compared to last year.
- growing taller when came back to Malaysia

Vocal skills
- More chatter box right now compared to last year. Now his Chinese language is better compared to English. He likes to speak to us in Chinese. On and off will speak in English that is not really fluent compared to Chinese.
- Still slow response or no response to outsiders. He chose to talk to people he is familiar with.
- We still find it really difficult for him to pronounce the word start with "F"
- More questions ?? until the parent cannot stand him

Reading skill
- We don't know how far he can go since mother did not ask him to read aloud. Let him enjoys the picture books and when the time is ready he will .

- He loves eating fish. He will request more or simply eat the fish when he saw mother cooked it and placed on the table.
- We found that he likes to eat crispy or fry foods (most of the kid will like it) but we try to restrict it. Of course we seldom bring him to fast food restaurants. Luckily he still doesn't like to drink the soft drink. He will spit out after he tried.
- More Japanese food this year. We have on and off brought him to Japanese restaurant in QBM especially we got free cash coupons to eat.
- Started to eat sweet thing but he still does not really good in eating it. He will spit out half way. So funny when he tried the "Sugus", it sticks on his teeth when he chews it and he asks us to take away from his mouth then he will not take it anymore. Loves chocolate....

Overall, he is a happy growing kid.

Last day of Year 2009

Today was the last day of Year 2009. Daddy worked and we have to wait for him. We quickly had our dinner and mother suggested that we take some photos before the new year arrive.

We knew that QBM was having a countdown function so we chose not to go there. We chose the beach in front of FTZ. The moon was so beautiful today and we can't resist of taking a shot at it. Too bad the lens of our camera was not as good.

The sky was dark when we arrived and a lot of Malay couples were dating there. We were the only family there to take photo. These was what we had spent our time before the new year. We were already in slumberland when the year ended and cross over to new year...

I want to shoot....

He only get to play and take photo with this camera. Actually on and off he will also play with our Canon G9 and we definitely wouldn't let him play with our DSLR camera.

Recalled back our first digital camera in 2005. We purposely went to Gurney Plaza to buy it because we wanted to take Ethan's photo upon his arrival. We were so lucky that we have won the 3rd prize in the lucky draw. The prize was this camera. Seemed that we bought a new camera and won an older version camera. So it's buy one, free one.

Even it was an old model but it still functions well. Too bad our first digital camera broken down during one of visit to the gardens in Shanghai.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Please drink water

Recently, we have to constantly remind him to drink a lot of water. "Ethan, drink water." has been multiple times coming out of mother's mouth just in one day. We don't know why he just reduce the input of water. Furthermore, it only happened recently. Before he loves drinking water.

In order to let him drink more water, mother has been asking him whether his pee pee color is yellow or clear. If it is yellow, then he will willingly drink the water. So next pee pee time, he will proudly announce to his mother that his pee is clear in color.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Later post

When we asked him to post for the camera. We got this photo taken.

Fly can go inside the mouth post....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hot Youth park

After the morning picnic, we had chosen another spot for the kids to have fun. The Youth park. At first we thought that trees surrounding the park will made it cooler. Not the case. We can feel the heat and the kids were sweating after playing for a while. This was the first time we brought Ethan to Youth park playground since we were back from Shanghai.

Rocking turtle

Playing the see saw with cousin at the other side

Play the slide again and again
We went to Gurney Plaza before we ended our day.

Our beach picnic

Yeah. Today we had a beach picnic. We made sandwiches, garlic bread and etc. We arrived quite late at the beach and tried to choose the place with some shade. The kids get to dig the sand with the beach set.

Hot sun shone down hard but it did not discourage the adults and the kids from having fun on the beach. The initial place we set our picnic was too far away from the beach. So grandma had to look over the stuffs. Half way through, we moved all the things, food and including our cars down beside the beach.

Try to mold the castle on the beach

Did you see the crab and the fish in the bucket?

Both daddy and uncle were busy catching the crabs and fishes for the kids

At the beach, the kids seen a lot of airplanes flying by beach and landed on the Bayan Lepas airport. The kids waved to the airplanes. The uncountable airplanes flew across became a norm to the kids later and no more excitement for them.

Did you see the airplane in the photo above

Both daddy and uncle managed to catch a school of fishes in the plastic bag

Surely need to take the group photo before ending the session
We definitely will have another round of picnic but we need to wake up early to prepare the food. This round we were in a hurry and woke up late.....

Friday, December 25, 2009

Warm up.

Initially my sister said they wanted to have picnic at Batu Feringgi but we told them that it was too far away. We told them there is a beautiful beach at Teluk Kumbar. We brought them to have a view of the environment and then we only decide the location.

When we arrived at that place, it started to rain. The small rain did not stop people from visiting the place. We took some photos of the place before we went back. Yes, this is the location we wanted to have our picnic. Today was just a survey to warm up.

During our way home, we brought the kids to the playground. The rain just stopped when we reached the playground. The kids enjoyed all the facilities.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mini computer

"Mama, I have made a mini computer". This is what Ethan told and shown his mother when he finished his masterpiece. He really can play this thing and creates funny things and shows us. Before that he arranged it on top of the plaster. Emm....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Precious moment

It's like "winning the lottery" as daddy seldom read book to him. Tonight mother asked daddy to read the "Viking Adventure" for Ethan after we discussed about the Vikings during our dinner time. It was so coincidentally that mother had borrowed a book related to this topic from the library.

I don't want to sleep

"I don't want to sleep" he constantly told his mother this word when mother asks him to take his nap. He said he wants to play. Ok, up to him as tonight he will sleep early. By then after few hours, mother found him in this situation in our master bedroom.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Label the name

Today, mother let Ethan labeled his name on the pencil before the school starts next year.

See how serious he performed his task