Monday, December 1, 2008

Donations for Gift Tree

Today Ethan's class had the "Giving Tree Donations" at 9.00am. Since it was not a schooling day for Ethan, mummy had to bring him to the school to join other kids for the donation. We arrived at school at 8.50am only to see that there was no box in front of the classroom (mummy thought that the donation box was in front of the classroom) and the time was still early so mummy brought Ethan to the library to return the books. Mummy had chosen one book and another one was chosen by Ethan.

Bring the gift from home
Mummy was surprised when mummy opened the classroom seeing lots of parent were already inside the classroom. All the kids need to line up holding the ring rope. Without wasting time, Ethan immediately held the ring and waited for other kids to hold too. The kids followed the teacher's direction toward the Christmas Tree behind one of the building.

Seeing teacher showing the kids the Christmas Tree and the Gift box

Kids lined up to throw the gift into the box

After the donation, the teacher counted the kids and brought them back to classroom then mummy had to tell the teacher that mummy needed to bring Ethan home as today was not the school day for him. At first Ethan still wanted to follow the kids back to the classroom but mummy had to stop him and asked him to wave bye bye to his friends.

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