Monday, October 15, 2007

Back Home and constipation

Today Daddy went to Kedah to fetch mummy and Ethan back to Penang. Today Ethan's face and body got some reddish spot. The worst one is behind his neck. He got big three bumps. We don't know whether is it because of the mosquito bite or what????

The few days back to grandpa house. Ethan demonstrated a lot of his knowing words to 公公, 婆婆,姨姨 and 姑婆. He showed them all how he picked the English words. Eventhough Ethan knows how to pick to Chinese words but not as much as English because he just learned it about 2 and half months compared to English which he learned when he was 4 months old that time.

Mummy tried to take out the puzzle played by mummy when mummy was small and let Ethan play with it. Ethan doesn't know how to play and he cried when he failed to complete th new puzzle by himself. Mummy brought one set back to Penang. Good sign is that even he failed to do but he still tried hard to put in the puzzle again and again but with the mummy's help. After trying two times, it seems like he managed to finally put some of puzzle pieces by himself.

Ethan really loves the books that mummy hand made for him. Of course this could be mainly because he is the hero in the books himself. When he saw the picture of the books he recognises and remembers what he had done. He will not feel bored when he look at his books. He flips and flips.

These few days Ethan got constipation again eventhough mummy gave him orange to eat. His constipation situation is toned down quite a bit when mummy let him eat kiwi everyday. However, it seems like after eating some much kiwi the function of kiwi is reduced and recently mummy also does not lett Ethan eat the kiwi. Mummy didn't buy for him. If the case get worst then we might have to buy the kiwi even if it is expensive.

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