Saturday, April 18, 2009

Last trip to Town of Tang Dynasty(唐城)

Finally we have finished covering all the three attractions under the CCTV Wuxi Movie/TV Base. The last attraction was Town of Tang Dynasty. Not much people when we arrived at the place compared to the previous trip for both sites. This site is the cheapest entrance fees amongst all the 3 sites. When we entered the town, we came to know why there was not many people visiting this place. All the building and places were not well maintained. Dusty all around the place and some of the place just left it vacant without maintenance, all the weeds grew and some of the wood or material just thrown at the corner of the place.

Family photo in front of Tang Palace

We were a bit disappointed with the place. Only after viewing the performance of the dancers then we have concluded that at least it was worthwhile to watch the performance. We actually nearly missed the show as we didn't know there was a performance at the lower ground of the palace. Daddy spotted lot of people walking towards the staircase and there was loud music in the air. Daddy asked the worker and we were told that there was performance starting. We quickly walked downstairs and the show already started. Luckily we just just missed a bit. The dancers had performed the "Thousand hands Goddess of Mercy" dance for the audience. Ethan really enjoyed the show as he sat still on mummy lap watching the performance.

After viewing the performance, we walked towards the Imperial Garden. Again, we were disappointed as the garden was supposed to have a small pond surrounded by the rock but there was no water at all. Even with some water, it was also mainly dirty water. All the place full of dust and the painting of the place almost faded. Really cannot imagine that was the Imperial Garden. Ethan was running here and there and climbing some of the rocks. Ayo, all his clothes and pants were so dirty.

We chose one of the pavilions to have our sandwich. Before that mummy had to wash Ethan's hand before letting him hold the food. Both hands were washed with water and lapped with handkerchief. Wah, you can see the dirty stains on the handkerchief. Daddy and mummy discussed that maybe we will leave this place early.

After the garden, we walked to the Tang Street. All the small stores were placed along the streets. There was a small temple with the monks. We were asked whether we want to pray at the temple. Seeing Ethan's diaper was full and heavy, we took it off and frequently reminded him that he was not wearing any diaper. We had placed Ethan at one of the stores and took his photo. Initially Ethan wanted to walk up one of the buildings but we refused to walk up. He insisted and did not want to walk away. However, after hearing few unknown sound knocking at the top of the building, he gave up the idea and followed us.

After the Tang Street, there was a big place of planting the bamboo tree. Daddy said these was another place for the king to rest. A few statues had been placed inside the bamboo area. The bamboo shoots was very sharp and strong, some of the cemented floor was broken by this growing of bamboo shoots. Cannot imagined if one were to fall down on these plants.

Ethan curious about the bamboo shoots.

It was in the afternoon and weather was getting hotter. Whole family took off our jackets. Ethan was very thirsty under the hot weather as he finished his whole bottle of water. We constantly reminded and asked him whether he want to pee or not. The answer was always no. Guessed the hot weather has been dehydrated him.

This pavilion was so special as the sun shone on the silver roof

This place was smaller compared the other sites. We actually finished covering the place around 2 something in the afternoon. We have taken some family photos at the front door of the Town of Tang Dynasty. Hooray, we have covered all the CCTV Wuxi Movie/TV Base in three different days and separate visits.

As usual, Ethan quickly slept on our way back to Shanghai. We had caught in terrible traffic jam when entering Shanghai city.

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