Saturday, April 11, 2009

Egg Hunt @ Season Villas

Today we purposely switch our driver working day to tomorrow because we wanted Ethan to participate in the Egg Hunt game provided by our management office. We arrived sharp but the function hasn't started, we don't want to miss out the egg hunt since the notice didn't specified the time and we only knew that the festival starts at 10.30am.

We hang around there and told Ethan where was the place for the egg hunt. Ethan was familiar with the egg hunt after he had attended his school's Easter Party. At first we have told him not to take the egg but after seeing other kids already started it so we just let Ethan have some fun first. So he managed to collect few eggs by himself. We knew that when the time came to collect he will not collect any egg compared to the big kids. Seeing some of the kids had been collecting the egg, the management had placing few guards to guard the eggs. They prevented the kids to pick the egg as the game only started at 11.30am. At first, Ethan still wanted the egg after the guards were standing there. Guessed he put on his pity face of not getting the eggs, one of the guards had secretly picked one egg for Ethan. Some of the big kids also yelled at those kids who secretly tried to take the eggs as the guards cannot be alert every moment and monitor every corner. Those kids have became the guard's helper.

Since the egg hunt still have one hour left so we let Ethan had fun with other activities. His first request was the stitch balloon, he personally walked towards and requested from the clown. He was patiently waiting and mummy felt like Ethan grew up so fast as when the first time we joined the function held by management, mummy had to bring Ethan to request for the stitch balloon. But not for this time.

He managed to play the sand pit. At first he did not really wanted it because his eyes and mind always thinking of the egg hunt as he ran towards the egg hunt destination a few times.

Playing the sand pit
After the sand pit, mummy had brought Ethan for face drawing. The lady asked Ethan whether he wanted to draw the tiger or spider. Ethan chose the spider. The lady drew a blue spider on his face.

After the drawing, mummy lined him up for blowing balloon game. The game is very simple. First you need to pick a number or the alphabet from the bag then you use the needle to blow up the balloon stated with the number or alphabet you have gotten. At first, Ethan chose the number 7 and the lady held him up to pop the balloon. He didn't get the small egg inside the balloon. Since Ethan didn't get any gift from his first try, the lady gave Ethan another chance to draw and this round Ethan get the "X" but Ethan did not dare to pop the balloon this round. He had been scared by the balloon blowing up first time, he tried to walk away but daddy held him back to pin the balloon. This round Ethan had a small egg inside and it means he gotta choose the small gift. We let Ethan chose his favorite gift instead of us choosing for him. He chose the panda sticker.

Some of the performance
Most of the kids was waiting restlessly for the egg hunt to start. Few times there were false alarm that the game will be start earlier. There was false perception when other kids seen the few kids walked towards the egg hunt location. Others thought that it was time to get the game started so the whole bunch of kids ran over there. Ethan also didn't left out as his eyes were always nailed to the egg hunt. Seeing other big kids always yelling at those kids who tried to steal the egg, Ethan also became a policeman as he also yelled at those kids who tried to pick the egg. He said that the game only start at 11.3oam, he even told his daddy who walked inside those area and wanted to take his photo. He even threw those eggs further inside which were placed outside.

Kid sat lined-up and waited eagerly
When the game started, as we expected Ethan didn't move as fast as the big kids and he actually didn't pick any eggs. So mummy and daddy helped him to collect the eggs. We managed to get him quite a lot - 44 eggs to be exact.

Mummy put those eggs in mummy's backpack. After the egg hunt it is time for other games. Ethan saw the circle game with numbers on it. So he just jumped on the number and the staff seeing him do so they just asked him to stand on the starting point so the staff turned the dice and showed Ethan that he need to walk how many steps. At first, seeing the dice showed 6 points then mummy also blur blur and asked Ethan to find the number 6 on the board so Ethan really jumped towards the 6. Guessed the staff seeing Ethan so small and surely didn't know how to the play the game so they just rolled the dice to the exact step for Ethan to step on the finishing point. The staff told Ethan he have won himself a free child buffet at the "Brown Restaurant".

After playing a few games, daddy went to take the buns and croissant provided by the "Brown Restaurant". We had our picnic there. On and off we went to chose those different type of buns and also the drinks. At later part the staff wanted to clear the foods so whoever requested for the buns, the staff will provide the whole bag instead of one. We have gotten it two bags because we started our lunch quite late compared to others.

After the lunch, Ethan requested to play with the balloon playground. He had fun and didn't want to go back home. So we just waited till his was satisfied with all the fun.

The festival nearly ended and we just walked home. Daddy requested to go to the estate management office as he wanted to take the photo with the "Sakura Tree". We took few photo with the tree.

Sakura Tree at management office

Unknown flower tree
When we were back home, we let Ethan counted the eggs. Wow, total eggs we managed to hunt is 44 eggs. Not bad. For those egg with plain color there was a surprise inside. There was a little chick inside. Ethan was so excited with those eggs till he didn't take his nap that day. He kept on playing with the eggs.

Surely today was an unforgettable and memorable day for Ethan.

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