Monday, March 2, 2009

Home activities

Whenever school's off day for Ethan, mummy always need to crank the head on what are those activities to fill up his time. Today, doing some gluing, cutting and stamping.

First activity was tearing and gluing, the idea was from one of other mummy's blog. Mummy likes to read other people's blog, all because wanting to get some idea on how they raised their kids. Mummy had demonstrated to Ethan to tear the picture (cut from magazine) and glue it back. Before completely glued back all together, Ethan was already asking to glue the last piece of picture.

The above photo, Ethan glued the last piece

This photo was 100% done by him
Second activity needed Ethan to use the scissor to cut the color paper and glue it on the recycle paper. This activity mainly to train his muscle how to cut the paper.

After he glued so many pieces of paper, mummy sort of run of idea, so just let him hold a pen to scratch in the blank paper. He did write few alphabets on the paper then later use the color paper to stick on the paper again.

After that just let him have fun with the stamping. He stamped a lot of Mickey Mouse characters on the paper.

This activities really filled up his whole morning....

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