Friday, January 9, 2009

Walk to the library

Since today was not Ethan's school day, mummy brought him to the school library. Hoped that he can meet his classmate in the library as their class has scheduled Friday 9.00am to come to library to borrow. This was the second time Ethan has been in the library and normally mummy goes alone to the library.

While mummy was busy finding the books for him, this boy was "kacau kacau" went to librarian desk to look at the librarian scanning the books. He told her that he was returning the books. Finally mummy managed to find two books suitable for him.

We happily walked back to our apartment after borrowing the books. Actually we should call our driver to pick us up to go and get back from library since the weather was so cold. Never mind, since Ethan walked back to the house. But not for next round.

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