Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2nd Semester in new year

Today was the 2nd semester school day for Ethan. Lately, Ethan had waken up quite late. This was as all due to his long nap in the afternoon causing him to sleep late at night. At first, Ethan was unwilling to wake up. We have waken him up and lure him to drink his favorite milky. Yes, he woke up after the milky.

We quickly changed his clothes and get ready everything. He refused to walk down the car as he wanted to follow his daddy to work. We have to trick him that he was working at the school. When mother brought him into the class, he was a bit blur. Seems like he almost forgotten about the school but he didn't cry when mummy waved bye bye to him.

One of his class teachers was on MC and replaced by the other teacher. The thing that worried mummy was Ethan's unwillingness to tell when he wants to pee. Mummy's sixth sense was right. Ethan did pee on his pants. Seems like three long weeks break had cause Ethan having to start once again.

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