Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Evening time mother let Ethan gone to garden again to do some exercises. Well, our home garden space is not big enough to let Ethan run the way like he has done at grandpa's house. No choice, houses in Penang are really expensive.

Ethan, while letting you cycle your tricycle, you suddenly pointed to somewhere and said "eggplant". Mother was wondering what is that as you kept on saying eggplant. Mummy had to ask you to lead and show mother. O my god! You are referring to the stones in our garden. You thought that the stone is an egg as its shape looked like egg. Mummy had to correct you by saying that it is "stone". You kept on saying "egg" but mummy kept on correcting you. Well, have to let you feel the stone by picking one small one and teach you that this is "stone" instead of "egg". After you felt it and threw it, you began to say it correctly.

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