Monday, April 21, 2008

Correcting the Saa to Seven

From the previous blog, we did mention that Ethan tends to pronounce "Seven" as "Saaa". Tonight we tried to correct his pronunciation by breaking the word seven into two sounds like asked him to follow us to say "se" then follow by "ven". Ethan actually followed it and pronounced the word seven correctly. We happily praised him until he felt like up in the sky. Of course he was jubilant at his success. We constantly corrected it when he tried to said the word as "saa" once again. So now when we show him the number " 7" he will pronounce it correctly but when asked him to count from 1 to 10 , he will still use the "Saa" but we had to stop him and asked him to pronounce the correct one. Pray hard that he will forget "Saa" and only remember "seven". Now what we are left with is the need to correct his 1,4 and 14. Not to forget the word "blue" also.

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