Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Calculate the chinese stroke

It was quite sometime that Ethan did not count the Chinese word stroke. He almost forgotten about it. Today he brought back his Chinese subject and mother found out that he wrongly calculated the stroke of the Chinese word. Mother gave him advise him that some of the stroke even look like a lot of stroke but actually it is counted as one. After getting the advice from mother, the next few days, he manages to get all the stroke calculation correct. Well done Ethan....

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Half naked

Don't know why recently it was quite hot. So whenever Ethan comes back from school, mother takes out all his school uniform and only left the underwear. He is doing his homework half naked as mother found him sweating a lot when doing his homework. Mother doesn't want him to sweat a lot as he needs to take a bath after he finishes all his homework.

At first, mother is a bit worry whether he will get sick in this situation since he is never naked like this at home before. So far so good....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Mid Autumn Festival

We have bought the lantern two weeks ago but we did not take any action. Tonight is the day that we must lit it up. It have been raining before daddy took Ethan out for the walk. The lantern had been chosen by Ethan few weeks ago. We didn't know why he likes the frog design but we respected his choice.

Daddy helped to light up the lantern

Ready for the walk
Ethan really had a good time as he can see lot of kids in our taman also brought the lantern. Daddy said that he had light up 5 candles for Ethan's lantern....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Swimming fun

It was quite sometime that we did not bring Ethan to swim. We were afraid that he will cough again as recently he was often attacked by the cough virus. Sometimes we just had to make a move since daddy complaint that we are wasting the benefit to enjoy the facilities in the club house.

He was having a great fun and excited when we brought him to swim. He kept on kicking and kicking in the pool. He likes the adult pool and swims with daddy. Mother did ask him to swim in kid pool but he kept walking in the kid pool. Mother asked why not swim instead of walk, he answered that walking is faster than swimming in kid pool.

Even though he did not know how to swim but we were pleased that he can kick and swim with the help of the rubber float. Last time he wanted us to hold him even with the float. We still have the problem to make him put his head down into the water. What to do, he was very scared of putting the head down inside the water. Still have to gradually lure him to do this. We hoped one day he dare to do it....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Maths : The Division

You see. Mother did not take any action to teach him the division. During the school holiday, mother found out that Ethan almost forgotten some of the multiply after few months he did not do the exercise. So he needs to refresh again his memory. Luckily he picked up quite fast even not 100% remember.

Looking at his multiply, mother delayed again teaching him the division. "BUT" this kid gone and used the calculator to do the division exercise. Mother spot this and said that he was cheating using the machine. He immediately stopped and mother told him that the division is the opposite of the multiply. He got the idea and do the rest of the exercise by himself. What surprised mother was that he had done all the questions correctly. He really loves maths....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Activity in school holiday

During the school holiday, mother brought Ethan back to Kedah to stay. The activities that Ethan had in the morning or evening was scribble words on the car park floor. Ethan had a box of chalk for quite some time but we did not let him have fun with it. In Penang, our car park was covered with tiles so we only have cement floor outside the house. We considered it was dangerous for him to draw outside the house because of the cars passing by.

Since grandparent's house car park is covered by cement so this is good place for him to draw or write something on the floor under safe environment. He just loved it, he drew sun, house, road all over the floor.