Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Not spicy at all

When Ethan looked at the food with red color, he will know that the foods is spicy and he will not touch it at all. He knows that he cannot take the spicy food.

Today mother had cooked two type of eggs, one is for Ethan with no chili source and another one for us(adult) with chili. When he took his lunch, he already pointed out that this plate of egg is spicy and another plate was free of spice. Mother put those non spicy one for him and asked whether he wanted to try the spicy one. At first, he was still struggling but he took the challenge after mother told him that no spicy at all as it is only sweet taste. Mother took a bit and put it into his mouth and let him taste it. He was ok with it then he requested for more.

We were glad that he slowly accept it because both of us like the spicy food so much. This is the first move he had taken and we will gradually introduce more spicy food to him.....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

His funny thought

This two days Ethan have been playing with grandfather "万步机". He has hooked it on his pants and ran about in order to know how many steps that he had walked. He saw the number kept on increasing when he walked with it. He was wondering whether the machine can reduce the number or not. Since he knows that walk forward can increase the number so he tried to walk backward and hoped that the number of steps can be reduced. We were laughing at his action and his thinking.....

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Need to recover

Mother had stopped reading to Ethan everyday for the past few months. On and off will read to him and mother already felt the bad impact on him. He does not have the enthusiasm as before. His concentration was not good as before. But it was really difficult for mother to control the situation as mother was not feeling well and also fell sick.

Even though mother reads one book for him, mother already felt like mother just finished one marathon competition. Mother having a serious blocking nose and it was hard for mother to read out the whole sentence. Now mother had recovered a bit and wanted to start over again but the situation was that mother needs to start from zero again. How about daddy helping? Did ask but daddy read to Ethan just like those people being forced to do. The kid is sensitive when the parent show unpleasant manner on him.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More homework

Ethan had been back to school this week. Mother felt that after the school started 2nd semester, the homework he brought back became more and more. Sometimes one day he needs to finish 4 books of homework. In 1st semester, he seldom brought back homework. Even there are some, they are only one or two simple homework but not now. Guessed the kindergarten have been speeding up the teaching material after the kids had enjoyed 6 months of honeymoon periods.

Last time he can finish all the homework before he takes his nap time but not now. He will not finish the homework even already 2 something in the afternoon. Mother will ask for his opinion whether he wants to continue to finish it or wait to finish after he wakes up from his nap. His 100% choice will be to wait until he wakes up.

Now the homework is increased but his speed is still slow like a snail when he does his homework. Hoped that he can improve it later.

Monday, June 21, 2010

His weird request

Ethan has weird request. He likes to ask his mother to take his photo in his underwear. Everyday he will ask mother to take photo of him in his underwear before he goes to bathe. Sometimes mother rejected his request but sometimes mother will follow his instruction.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

No vacation

We did not visit any places during Ethan's two weeks holiday. We did plan to go to Cameron Highland but people adviced against it. There will be traffic jam and the cost of the trip will also be more expensive. The most unfortunate thins was that we were also sick during the holiday. So mother just brought Ethan back to Kedah for one week.

Auntie suggested that we go to Cameron Highland during the Penang governor's birthday but that time Ethan's school seemed like no holiday unless he absent himself from school. Let's wait and see the situation first.

Funny hairstyle

Mother had made his hair stand like a tall building during the bath time. He just loves it....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Change the lyric

We know that Ethan is not really good in singing as he could not really remember the lyric of the song. Recently, mother observed that he likes to change the lyric of the song according to his own interpretation. The rhythm is still the same with that of the the kid song but he changes the lyric to his own words. It is so funny to listen to it but he really enjoys his own song......

Friday, June 18, 2010


Recently we watch one of the TV programme called "无敌状元". Even though Ethan doesn't really know what are the questions about but he still sat still and watched it. One of the things that he likes most is viewing the contestants' marks, which group gets the highest mark.

One day we went out for the dinner nearby LipSin Garden where the school "菩提中 " is located. Daddy said it is 菩提 school then Ethan heard it and converted it to 菩提状元 . We were laughing at his words. Even the two words sound like quite close but it still has difference. Guessed only the kid can link this kind of thing.....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spelling game

Mother had made some of the alphabet cards for him to play the spelling game. Mother initial plan was hoping that he will learn the spelling through playing. At first he was excited about the game but after a while he started to arrange the alphabet surrounding according to his will.

From this game, mother found out that he actually knows how to spell some words.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This morning, mother picked some of the "rambutan" from the tree for Ethan and his cousin. Ethan did not throw away just like his cousin did and he kept on playing with it. He even put it inside the small basket and brought it along. Mother told him that this is "红毛丹" in Chinese word. Then he said is "青毛丹" because the fruit is still green in color. He told mother now is 青毛丹 and when the fruit is matured it will become 红毛丹. Haha, no point arguing with him on this issue.....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Small keyboard

We have the agreement that we don't want to simply enroll Ethan in any talent class like playing piano, dancing or art class. We will enroll him if he is interested in it and we do not want to force him to learn or he learns because his parents wanted him to.

We borrowed his cousin's keyboard to play. He had fun without wanting us to put back in the box. The next day, he requested from grandma again that he wanted to play the keyboard but this time grandmother rejected him because when his cousin is at home, both of them will fight for this thing. Better reduce the noise and crying.

We did plan for long time ago to buy the keyboard for him only that we did not take any action. Hope that we can get him one of these day......

Friday, June 4, 2010

The clock

Ethan current favorite toy is the calender and clock. He will bring up and down this thing with him whenever he go around the house.

Today we went to QBM to have our lunch and we had a short shopping at Jusco. We saw a few racks were filled with offered toys and we want to search some toys for Ethan if the price is reasonable. Then mother came across this teaching clock toy. Mother let him play with it while we went to search for other toys. He immediately got hooked on it. He was so concentrated on playing it. He did not want to let go of the toy and kept on playing and playing even though we told him that we want to go home. He just ignored us and daddy said why not buy one for him. No way, this toy costs about RM89.90. Mother said that she did see this toy from the redemption list under Citibank credit card. We decided to exchange it with out points. Luckily, Ethan did not wail or beg us to buy this toy for him. Mother told him to say goodbye to the toy.

Parent and Teacher interview

Today is the last day of the school before two weeks holiday. No school today because the school is conducting the parent and teacher interview. We brought Ethan along so that he still can meet up with his friends in the school. Because it was raining so mother asked daddy to park nearby the school before the main entrance of the school but the daddy said it will block other parents who want to drop the people in the school. But immediately we saw other parents directly parked inside the school. Mother asked daddy to see and he was speechless. Some parents don't care about other and they only want the convenience.

We headed towards Ethan's class teacher and we were given Ethan's progression Report. We were told by the teacher that Ethan is the number one amongst the morning and afternoon class. We did not expect that they got 36 students in the K1 class. When Ethan saw his progression report, he did not have any facial expression at all. Mummy had some discussion with the teachers while daddy and Ethan went to see his school art work and writing which were posted on the board.

After we finished the conversation, we went to QBM to have our lunch.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

These two guy......

Recently, the task of letting Ethan to go to sleep at night have been switched to daddy. BUT these two guys are just like the cats and dogs. Every night they will fight and beat with each other.

When Ethan keeps on rolling and singing during the night, daddy will go out of patience after his few attempts the let him sleep. Daddy will scold and threaten him but Ethan is not the one who let people "bully" him. He will start to beat his daddy then surely daddy will respond back. So the battle will start and ended up with Ethan crying because he lost.

In the end, daddy will just wash hand and threw back the ball to mother to handle.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yogurt lover

No doubt Ethan loves eating yogurt. When he saw his mother takes out the yogurt from fridge during his meal time, he will give lot of excuses not to eat rice like stomach full already, the food is not good etc. After mother gave him the green light that he can stop having his meal, he immediately went to pick the yogurt. Then mother will tease him by saying:" I thought you are already full, are you sure you still got place for the yogurt?". This fellow he just ignored mother and enjoyed his yogurt.

Mother doesn't know why he loves yogurt so much even though mother tastes and felt they are a bit sour for mother. Don't know is it because mother had a lot of yogurt when Ethan was still inside mother's stomach. Last time mother had one bottle everyday because was afraid of the yeast infection during the deliver. But seems like a lot of habit mother had during the pregnancy have been passed down to Ethan for example he loves to drink milk.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Self discipline

Mother was proud of Ethan's self discipline. Recently, he likes to play his mini computer and everyday you can see him sitting on the chair and playing it for few hours. Mother doesn't like him to be too absorbed in it. Then one day mother asked him to come over when mother spot him wanted to start again. Mother told him that mother doesn't like him to play the mini computer for many hours because it is no good to the eye since the screen is too small. Mother asked him to promise mother not to play it and we crossed our fingers with each other. Surprisingly to mother, he really did not touch and went to that place for the whole evening.

Next day, he asked for mother's permission to play the mini computer again but mother did not allow. This time he knew how to argue back by saying: " I did not play it yesterday as per promise". Even he was saying that but mother still restricted him. He did not wail and throw tantrum instead he sat beside mother and waited for daddy to came back home from work...

Sometimes mother was really glad that he can change his habit and self control himself for not doing something, like watching TV.