Friday, April 30, 2010

No photo from us

Today when mother dropped Ethan at the kindergarten, teacher asked whether Ethan has informed his parents to bring the photo of mother and kid. Ethan had forgotten once again.

Gone home, mother had to drag out the photos that we have developed. Shame to say, we did not develop the photos after we were back in Malaysia and also mother seldom took photo with Ethan. Now what did mother do. Mother dragged out the old photos which we had developed when we were still in Shanghai and provided to the school. Hope that the school don't mind.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Replay the puzzle

Tonight, mother brought out a lot of Ethan's old puzzles and let him have fun again. Mother had saved them inside the shelf since the day we came back from Shanghai. At first, mother just thought that he would loss interest but was wrong once again. He played all the puzzles that mother had taken out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Talk about homework

Mother always hope that one day Ethan can independently do his homework. Last time when he first started Malaysian kindergarten, mother had to sit beside him to ensure that he finishes his homework and done it correctly.

Mother hated the most when accompanying him in doing the Chinese writing. It seems like it took ages to finish it. Recently, mother gradually see some improvement because mother does not need to accompany him anymore. Mother told him to finish his homework by himself and try his best and if he doesn't know then only ask for help. Now when he finishes it , he will bring the homework and mother only has to made sure he finished and done it correctly.

Even now he can finish the homework by himself but mother still help him to look through every books he brought back and search which one is the homework and which one is the text book. Mother thought that she should not pamper him in this area anymore. The ball should be passed back to him.....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Car wash

At first, we thought he might loss interest in washing car but we were wrong. He still shows enthusiasm in helping out his daddy. Sometime, we really don't encourage him to do so not because we are protective of him. We are afraid of the cars on the road passing by.

But luckily Ethan is those kind of person like having self danger conscious. Mainly because when he walks by the car park or places that has cars, he will either ask daddy to carry him or hold on to our hand tightly. But accident sometimes is out of our control so we still very concern about his safety when we are on the road.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wow, expensive

Tonight we went to QBM to have our dinner. Besides that daddy also need to buy some souvenirs to bring to Shanghai for his peers for his coming business trip.

We dropped in one of the gold shop because we wanted to buy the gift for newborn baby. While we were busy discussing which article we want to buy, Ethan had multiple questions asking the shop salesman. He asked why got a space between the gold arrangement, the shape and design of the gold and etc. When we decided to buy one of the gold, the salesman gave us the final price. Immediately Ethan shouted out : " Why so expensive?" . The whole shop salespeople were laughing at his reaction.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Miss the school outing

Today Ethan was supposed to join the school outing to the park but unfortunately he fell sick a day before. Mother had to call up the school to inform that Ethan cannot join.

We brought him to see the doctor after that. He had mild fever, slight flu and cough. What a bad day for him....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Homemade bowling game

Today, the kids get to play the bowling ball. Mother have collected 8 ice tea plastic bottles after daddy finished drinking them few months ago. Daddy and grandma did ask why keep the rubbish at home. Well, mother thought of letting Ethan play with it as a bowling game one day but mother had been lazy to take them out.

Finally mother took them out today since cousin sister was around so thought of letting both of them something to play. At first, mother had to arrange the bottles and demonstrate to them. When mother hit down the bottles, both the kids were yelling and jumping. They were so excited and eagerly wanted to try for themselves.

Both of them had fun with this simple game. The weather was still hot eventhough we purposely chosen late evening and Ethan drank a lot of water. He finished one cup followed by another cup. After the game, both kid had a good appetite eating dinner but not for the adults....

Monday, April 5, 2010


Ethan just finished memorizing part of the 三字经. We did not expect him to memorize it so fast since he only gets to listen to it when he is on the way to school and also if daddy is driving him to school.

It took about one week for him to remember the part below:

Mother printed the following part for him but seems like he is not so aggressive compared with the first part.

But who cares, let him take his own sweet time. He can stop learning it any time since we treated this 三字经 as bonus to us from him.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Boy in butterfly wing

Ethan borrowed his cousin sister's butterfly wing to take a photo.....

Friday, April 2, 2010

Money game

After mother had introduced the money game to him, recently he will on and off request money from mother and plays by himself. Mother cut out some objects printed with prices from the supermarket brochure and let him play. With this, he can play and repeat and repeat for the whole night.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The project we have

Finally we had completed our one month of Say "NO" to diaper project. Mother thought of wanting to stop the project but Ethan insisted wanting another month. Maybe because he got four rainy stickers in the month of March. When he first gets his rainy sticker, he nearly wanted to cry it out as you can see some tears on his both eyes but we explained to him that everyone including mummy and daddy also pee on the bed when we were small. Besides that we also told him that he got more sun than the rain. Actually all the four raining he got were because mother or daddy forgot to wake him up to pee at the middle of the month or sometimes he pee earlier than our estimated time.

Beside continuing of diaper less project, mother also added another project for him. Actually is a monitor chart for mother. It is called "Reading chart", Ethan has to remind mother to read books to him everyday. After mother read the books to him, at night before he sleeps, he will put a star for mother. With this mother has no excuse to skip reading aloud to him since he will monitor mother.