Tuesday, May 26, 2009

He did but not the mummy...

This book is one of the Curious George series. When mummy read this book to Ethan about George feeding the animals in the zoo, Ethan suddenly stopped his mummy from continuing to read as he want to show mummy that there was a notice board saying that " Don't Feed the Animals". He knows that it was wrong feeding the animals in the zoo but he was wondering why the book didn't mention it and keep on letting the George feeding animal by animal. Then mummy told him to patiently to let mummy finish reading the book. Yup, in the ending part of the book did mention that the zookeeper had stopped it and mentioned that it was wrong to do that.

With this case, it really proves that the author 松居直 is right about the kid stated in his book "幸福的种子". We, adult when reading the book, the first thing that we do is read the word to understand the story but for the kids they read the story through the picture and they really look at everything eventhough it is teeny weeny things. Mummy did not notice the notice board when reading the book above as mummy was concentrated on the words while Ethan, he did not only listen to the story but he also viewed through the pictures. Sometimes when mummy finished reading that page but still seeing him concentrated on looking at the picture. Mummy had to stop and waited for him. After he finished viewing the photo, he will give his mother a facial expression and body language to continue to the next page.

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