Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Borrow some books from library..

Today mummy went to the YCIS library to borrow books for Ethan. Mummy wanted to do it long time ago but was just lazy to take any actions. When mummy went to the administration office and wanted to pay Ethan's next semester school fee, she asking them about the procedure for books borrowing. Well, the staff here asked mummy to go to the library and ask the librarian. Well, seems like the staff here don't really understand how the other department functions. Why say like that? Few weeks ago, mummy asked the teacher how to borrow the books and what the parent needs to do. The teacher asked mummy to ask the administrator in office then today when mummy asked them, they said go to ask librarian.

Actually it was very simple, you just need to hand over the kids school card that parent need to hang on our neck when we enter the school. The librarian will fill the form and you can just borrow the books. One time can borrow two books for two weeks. The library closes on Tuesday and Friday, guessed need to reserve the library for the kids in the school. The library is opened for parent at 8.30am to 9.30am, then will be closed and reopened after the afternoon school time at 3.00pm.

Mummy managed to borrow two books for Ethan. They are "I can ride a bike" and "School Tools".

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