Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day in Kindergarten

Recently he wakes up quite late in the morning as he is known to be able to sleep until 8 to 9.00am. So we were worried about this when it comes to the school time. This morning we have to wake him up. At first he was still lazing in the bed and throw a bit tantrum but at last we made it before his class starts at 8.00am. Daddy accompanied us inside the school and later seeing no dad was around, mummy asked daddy to go and work. (actually after daddy left there was another couple brought their daughter and the father stayed for quite some time. When her daddy went away, the daughter cried but was comforted by her mummy). Ethan had no problem saying bye bye to his daddy as he still has mummy with him.

At first, Ethan still hooked with mummy but after a while, he was willing to play with the other kids. Mummy just stepped away from Ethan and observed from some distances. Actually still have lots of parents accompanying their kids like playing together with them, sitting beside them and so on. Maybe because they are still small and for Ethan, mummy guessed he maybe the "Old Cow" among the class. Perhaps he might be the 2nd or 3rd eldest as the enrollment here is quite different from Malaysia. In Malaysia Ethan can join the year 2005 class but here because Ethan is a year end kid so he has to join the 2005/2006 kids. (1sept 2005 to 31 Aug 2006). A bit loss ho...

This is reading corner with the big bear accompanying the kids

Circle Time, the teacher was telling the story

Outdoor activities. It was very hot outside and this was mummy's worry as the inside the classroom was very cold. Suddenly hot and suddenly cold which the kids can easily get sick. Poor Ethan got bitten by mosquito.

The snack time

Some indoor activities like hand painting and scribbling in white board

The circle time again and this round was in Mandarin
After the cycle time and letting them play for while it was the end of the class. Ethan was not willing to go back home because he still wanted to play with the toys. Ethan was the last one in his class to leave the school. By the time we left the school it was about to rain. Luckily our driver was waiting outside the school as on our way home, it really raining cat and dog...

After one day accompanying Ethan, mummy was a bit disappointed with the class for some reason:-
i) Mummy was wondering whether the two teachers can handle 14 students in one class, it means that one teacher need to take care of 7 students. Even they claimed that some of the student will be on leave or what... so normally will be about 12 students per class.
ii) Outside was so hot and can see from the photo that everyone were sweating a lot but they still let the kids play outside and come back in the cold classroom. Mummy was worried that Ethan will get sick.
iii) Toilet part, there were only few toilet seats so the kids have to wait to pee. Wondering that will the kid be able to hold or not
iv) Mummy didn't see any teaching from the teacher and they only let the kids play. Guessed mummy cannot compare with Malaysian education.

Maybe mummy comment is too fast after few hours of observation. Just need to give some time for the teacher.

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