Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My little translater

These few days, mummy tried to revise some of the Chinese words as Ethan does not really pick up fast compare to English words. So mummy just have fun with him by playing the flashcard.
Some of words he knows how to pronounce but some of them he doesn't know so he just translated it to English. Few examples as below:
"风" he said "wind"
"球" he said "ball"
"船" he said "boat"

Ethan does not really know the color in Chinese words. When I showed him the flashcard, he knew it was color but he cannot know which one was blue, red, yellow etc. He just simply pointed at one of the color. Seems like maybe have to made a few Chinese color books for him like what mother had done with English. Well, he has no problem of recognizing the color in English language.

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